Wednesday, August 17, 2011

How Is The Recovery Going? Metal Thieves and Dog-nappers

How is the economic recovery going in the USA? We've all heard about the recent bad ecnomic numbers and news, forecasts of a more than 50% chance of another recession, but I'm more interested in what's happening in people's everyday lives. Metal thieves reaching to new heights:

Thieves determined to reap value from scrap metal have pried storm grates from streets, sliced catalytic converters from cars and trucks and stripped copper downspouts from churches.
Now they’ve sunk to new depths – or reached new heights, depending on your view.
Lakeville Police Chief Frank Alvilhiera said police who went to a Verizon cell tower off Route 140 earlier this month found a man attempting to steal copper plates used to ground the towers during lightning strikes.
“The officers reported that he was over 100 feet above ground,” said Alvilhiera. “This is the first time we have had a theft from a cell tower that I can recall. This has been the trend with copper prices high. Thefts are on the rise everywhere.”

Dog thefts up 32% this year:

Dog thefts are up 32 percent this year, according to the American Kennel Club. Stolen dogs are almost always resold, and are often used in laboratories or dog fights. Pit bulls and other large breeds are stolen the most frequently. Purebreds are also at risk because thieves think they can get a lot of money for them.
Obviously what we are seeing in the headlines is happening on the streets.

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